Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Is Cable TV Worth A Monthly Trip To The Payday Loan Lender?

Monthly bills can be a source of financial stress for many people. In fact, up to 69% of payday loans are used for these purposes. Unfortunately, many times people feel as if there is nothing that can be done to lower or eliminate these payments. Gas, electricity, water, etc. are necessities in these modern times, and are required in order to perform the basic functions of life, including cooking, cleaning, and even staying secure. Because of this, many people continue to feel compelled to make a monthly visit to their local payday loan lender to cover utility costs.

One bill that can be reduced, although often not considered, is the cable bill. Cable is a luxury, not a necessity. In our day and age, this fact tends to be overlooked. We see advertisements for television shows everywhere, every household has at least one, and there are many who get their information exclusively from this source. However, despite its overwhelming presence in our society, we can do away with or greatly reduce the cable bill and still lead a good life.

America has undoubtedly become a culture centered on the television set. With the average American watching between 28 and 34 hours of television a week (that is between 16% and 20% of the total amount of hours in a week!), cable has become the primary source of entertainment in this country. This has led to the idea that it is the only source of entertainment available. This is not true. There are many alternatives to watching television that can not only improve your physical and mental health, but also help you to get out of the monthly payday loan cycle.

One alternative to remaining parked in front of the boob tube is to do a little reading. With many series and movies now based on books, you can get the heads up on critically acclaimed shows while saving money and increasing your brain power. True Blood, The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Sherlock - these are some of the many programs that are based on and adapted from books. This list does not include the countless movies that likewise have a literary base.

A simple visit to your local library can have you not only caught up, but far ahead on the top programs today. By reading these works rather than watching them, you can allow your imagination to create their worlds as you see them, rather than being forced to watch someone else's vision instead.

Another great alternative to watching television is to play outside. A basketball, soccer ball, etc. will cost you significantly less than one month's cable bill, and can be used repeatedly for several months or more. Picking up an outdoor hobby can not only provide unlimited amounts of entertainment, it can also shed those pounds which were gained from a sedentary lifestyle that so many Americans have fallen victim to.

By rediscovering the great outdoors, you can not only save a trip to the payday loan office, but a trip to the doctor's office as well. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and our inactive lifestyle is only making things worse. The best way to prevent heart disease is a healthy dose of exercise. So why not kill two birds with one stone - cut your reliance on  payday loans  and your cholesterol by taking advantage of outdoor recreation.           

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