Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Personal Loans For Bad Credit Borrowers: Source Options to Consider

The most common advice offered to anyone seeking a loan is to shop around. This is especially the case when relating to personal loans for bad credit borrowers, where the terms are set to be poor and the pressure to meet repayments high. But there are still plenty of options to consider.

The chief decision to make relates to the source of the loan, with three main options: a traditional loan source, like a bank; an independent lending firm; and an online lender. The chances of getting approval with low credit scores differ between the respective loan source.

There are some other options, such as getting private family loans and company loans, but both of these options are outside the official lending realm. This means that repaying the personal loan has no effect on the credit score. And when bad credit is a key factor, a key benefit is that regular repayments improve the credit score.

Consider Traditional Lenders

This is often the first option borrowers think of, and sometimes the only one. There certainly are pros and cons to this source of personal loan, for bad credit borrowers in particular, with higher interest rates, lower loan limits and stricter terms for those with low scores.

In general, just getting approval is more difficult since traditional lenders, like banks, are highly cautious when dealing with bad credit borrowers. However, those who are willing to grant approval with low credit scores like to make the most of accepting the perceived risk. So, unless some kind of security is provided, this is an expensive option.

On the plus side however, having a good relationship with your local bank can make a difference, regardless of your credit score. Approval of a personal loan is more likely when the bank knows and trusts the applicant, provided the necessary criteria is met, of course. Also, making those regular repayments will see the credit score improved.

Consider Lending Firms

The reason why lending firms exist is that so many people are unable to get loan approval at their bank. In fact, they specialize in personal loans for bad credit borrowers, with terms that are tailored to suit those already under financial pressure.

And since they have an understanding of the needs of bad credit borrowers, granting approval with low credit scores is to be almost expected. Their repayment sums are kept as low as possible by extending the loan term to ensure the smallest share of the principal is repaid each month.

Their interest are high and while the term of the loan is extensive, the long repayment period means a large amount of interest is paid over the lifetime of the personal loan. So, while this loan is certainly affordable, it is also expensive.

Consider Online Lenders

Finally, going online to search for loan options is a growing alternative to the other two options. Over the past decade, lenders have learned how to make full use of the Internet, and now offer the best terms on personal loans for bad credit borrowers.

The online lender seems to offer an unbelievable deal, with lower interest rates charged and higher loan limits than are available from traditional lenders. And in many cases, approval with low credit scores is not hard to get as long as the set criteria is met. In most cases, the only difference with orthodox applications is that access to a bank account must be provided.

However, this insistence also means care must be taken before signing up to a personal loan from an online lender. Check out the reputation of the lender through either the Better Business Bureau website or the Verify1st site to find out if they can be trusted.           

When Can I Refinance A Car Loan?

Clients often ask me, "When can I refinance a car loanall" In this article we will talk about when the best time is to refinance your loan, and share the benefits of refinancing a car. Refinancing a car loan can save you $100 a month or more on your monthly payments, plus you spend a lot less money on interest and pay your balance of faster.

There are times that people feel trapped in a high interest rate car loan and want to get a better rate to lower their monthly payments. What ever your reason is for refinancing your car, it can be a viable way to better your financial position.

Here are the three best times to refinance a car loan.

When Interest Rates Drop

Borrowers who have bad credit end up paying a high interest rate for their car loans. There are times that the banks will lower the prime rate of interest, (this is the amount of interest banks charge for the use of their money), when this happens it can lower the rate of interest to the consumer. Depending how much the rate drops you can save yourself hundreds or thousands of dollars over the term of your loan.

Refinance When Credit Improves

Most people who are paying high interest rates on their car loans have bad or poor credit to start with. As the borrower makes their payments, on time, they are improving their credit and creating a more positive credit history. Keep in mind you also need to make your house or rent payments and credit card payments on time too. By doing this it is possible to raise your credit score so you can qualify for a better interest rate.

Refinance To Get Rid of a Co-Signer

Sometimes the only way a person can get a car loan is with a co-signer. Most car loans run between 3 and 6 years to repay, however, things can change between the borrower and co-signer and it may be in the best interest of both parties to refinance the car and remove the co-signer from the loan. It's best to refinance the vehicle under just the owners name.

Benefits of Refinancing

After getting a car loan, most people believe they are locked into the monthly payment and terms of the loan until the car is paid off. This isn't true, you can refinance at any time.

By lowering your interest rate a few points, you can put extra money in your pocket every month. Especially if you are paying over 15 percent on your loan. What's more is that you can pay your car off faster with a better rate of interest. You can also pay your loan of quicker by making extra payments on the principal. For example if you are paying 20 percent and cut it in half to 10 percent, you will reduce your total cost of the car by fifty percent. You could save between $2,500 and $10,000 by refinancing a car loan.           

What Is the Student Loan Consolidation Rate

The student loan consolidation is the merging of several student loans, and is done to save money on interest and for the convenience of one payment instead of several. There are plenty of things you should know about student loan consolidation, and this site provides the information you need to make a decision.

Consolidation Loan - InformationIt is very likely that if you went to college is likely to stay with some kind of student loan debt. Each year, borrow, this is a new and unique loan that helps pay for your tuition and living expenses. When all is said and done, however, one of the best ways to save money is through student loan consolidation. In a student loan consolidation you get a loan paid in full.

The student loan consolidation is a mystery to many college students and graduates. The truth is, however, the consolidation loan can save you much money. In addition, you can pay off your debt faster so that your college years are not chasing you in your retirement years. What a relief loan consolidation provides students.

There are many ways you can get a consolidation loan. You can get federal loans, a bank or a private lender, but no matter what you choose to do so; consolidation will have a big effect on getting out of college under their debt. The idea is that it takes only one payment per month, so you can pay your debt off faster and with lower monthly payments than you think normally.

Loan consolidation current studentsIt is a fact that almost half of all college students graduate with a degree of student loan debt. The average debt of $ 20,000 is focused on. That means an entire population of young people with serious debt and no education on how to deal with it. Most do not know, but the truth is that many of these students are met to consolidate loans and at school.

Despite what many believe, student loan consolidation does not have to wait until after college. In fact, there are many benefits that have been consolidating while you are still in school. Consolidating student loans while in school can lessen the debt before you even start to pay debts. That, however, is only the beginning.

Another advantage of the consolidation of student loan debt while still in school is that you can avoid any increases in interest. In July 2006, interest rates for federal student loans rose sharply. There is nothing that prevents this kind of tours that take place once again. The sooner your debt is consolidated and locked, the less likely victim of a rapid rate of rise.

As with anything, make sure that consolidating student loan debt before you graduate will work for your specific situation. In most cases, however, is a good financial base and move forward. Lightening your debt before he was even paying it is a great benefit. Indeed, it can be the difference in paying their loans off in 10 years or 30 years.

Benefit CreditConsolidating your student loan debt can do more than just reduce your long-term debt. The fact is that consolidation could help you increase your credit score during the loan. This, in turn, will help you buy a better car, get the house you want, or end up with a lower rate credit card. But how can a debt consolidation student loan can help you increase your creditall Consider some of the measures used by credit rating agencies reporting.

First, further opening the accounts with the lowest score will be, in general. Throughout his student life, which will be held until 8 loans to pay for their education. Each of these is shown as a separate account with its own interest payments and principal. By consolidating, you close the accounts to one account. So instead of 8 open accounts, you have one. This right will not help you qualify.

Second, you will have lower payments after you have consolidated your student loans. When the number of agencies reporting your credit score, they do looking at their minimum monthly payment. Instead of having several payments per month for your student loans, you have a payment that is less than the sum of the payments of age. Again, consolidation helps your score.

As a final point, that improving your debt to credit rationing. When your score is figured, the presentation of reports have companies check your debt to available credit test versus credit used. When you have more credit available, but less used (like when you consolidate student loan debt) after the case of a higher score. So, if for no other reason, consider consolidating to help your credit score.

Beware of traps when you make loan consolidationAs we approach the end of his college career, you have undoubtedly received a number of flyers, mail and e-mail about consolidating your loans. Each company has any reason you should go to them for their consolidation. However, you should be aware that sometimes there are many catches all those promises. Knowledge of the catch can help you prepare to make a wise decision on your consolidation loan. Do not drop the first consolidation of trading that falls into your lap. Carefully consider the options that are delivered to you.

A bonus can be offered is common to all discounts. They will tell you that if you make a series of payments on time, you will receive a discount. The only problem is that to maintain the discount, you have to make timely payments for the loan after that. That may have up to 20 years. A delay in the payment in one day during that time and "discount" is gone.

Another way to get caught in a plus is when you receive the offer of an all in one building. In this loan, the company offers to take in all of its debt, including credit cards, car loans, and any other debt you have. It is tempting to have everything wrapped into one loan, but lose the ability to defer its predecessor or student loans. The loan will no longer be protected as a student loan.

As a final point, be careful with changing your email address or moving. One or two letters misdirected, or worse, the wrong orientation of emails and a lender can make you pay the price. You could lose a discount or paid excessive fees. Therefore, it is unaware of any company that offers strictly to work with you via email.

Know what you get when it comes to consolidation loansIt is important to be familiar with what they are entitled under the Higher Education Act. There are certain advantages for a federal student loan and consolidating it. Note that many lenders offer special advantages consolidation as these that are giving away. They are, in fact, offers to do. Consider some of the most common.

At the same time if you got a letter advertising the beauty is that a company is willing to offer a fixed rate? If you have, not surprisingly. In fact, everyone should offer a fixed rate under the Higher Education Act. This is not a bonus, just what you expect. Do not drop the line that are offering more than they deserve.

Another you might notice is that there will be a credit check. Again, this is not only common but also necessary. All companies that work with the student loan consolidation have to do without a credit check. Knowing what a company is obliged to offer you help in determining if the institution is actually offering a bargain or are misleading, you may believe you are getting a real bargain, more than are required to receive by law.

As a final point, you should never have prepayment penalties. No matter what the company advertises that all their loans without prepayment penalties consolidate. This is nothing special. When you are seeking privileges, then just make sure you are offering something really special.

Myths about consolidation loansAs with any financial matter, there are a lot of misinformation floating around the student loan consolidation. These little myths often keep people from consolidation when, in fact, is best for them. By taking a look at some of the most common myths, you will be able to understand what is true and what is not there.

It is absolutely certain that you will lose your eligibility deferment if consolidating your student loans. By consolidating, in fact, to keep the core deferments can be a great help pay part of the time. Deferrals can be made because in school, go to graduate school, economic hardship, unemployment and to name a few.

Consolidating your student loan is not like this refinancing the house necessarily. Some people worry that if they consolidated from over payments and interest and will end up paying more in the long run. That's not true. On the one hand, you can pay early with no penalty. Second, get a better rate and can repay all loans under which a fee. The consolidation, if anything, reduce the term loan when it's all said and done.

As a last point, it is easy to think that consolidation is for those who do not know what they are doing with their loans. It is unclear whether this idea comes from, but is so common that many believe it is and the avoidance of consolidation. The truth is that consolidating your student loans, in most cases, a sound financial move. You save money and reduce the loan period. It's that simple.

Loan consolidation, as doThe process of getting your student loans consolidated is surprisingly easy. Once you have determined that you use for your consolidation application is only about a page long. Even more exciting is that there are several ways to fill the requests. Take a look at the various options available to you so you can decide which way works best for you.

One option is, of course, do so in person. You can always go to the bank or financial institution that is to consolidate your loan and take care of it. Fill, sign, and he did and in his way. The lender will review your request and contact you with your decision. Whatever, if they live nearby?

Surprisingly, you can complete your application over the phone. It is not really fill you on the phone, but the introduction of information you can go ahead and lock types for consolidation. Once you have done this, it will likely be sent by email or documents for you to finish complete, sign and send back in.

Third, at this time is not surprising that you can complete your application consolidation loan over the Internet. Many lenders have secure websites with the application there to fill. Once they do fit, you get a copy, and all the care within days.

Find your lenderObviously, before it can consolidate, you need to find a lender with which to organize their consolidation. Fortunately, there is much competition out there, which means two things. This means that companies are easy to find and they are all willing to compete for your business.

The first place to look may be just around the corner or in your mailbox. As we approach the end of school or after the change, about every lender will send you a flyer, email, brochures, catalogs or information about the consolidation of their packages. There is nothing wrong with looking through these free brochures. Many times you will find a good package that way.

Another option, of course, is to talk to your school's financial aid office. Someone can help you find what you need. What's more, they have had experience in the area to know what to look for and what to avoid.

As a final point, you can watch online. There are many options available and easy to shop that way. Be sure to contact the places in person or by phone, however, before completing paperwork. That way you can be sure that everything is at maximum and more. It's a good way to avoid online fraud and only those who seek their harvest information and move on.

As you can see, there are many options to find your company to consolidate student loans. Just make sure you always compare and ask questions. In the end, the best consolidation company is giving you what you want.

Problems with your payment?No matter what you do with the consolidation, it is possible that your student loan debt can become too high. With only ten years to repay, could end up with fairly high payment, especially if you go to graduate school or even add more years to student work. Stop payments can really put a cramp in your financial situation. There is an answer, however. If loans and payments are too unbearable, you can always expand. You can take the loan and stretch over years in many cases.

Although the standard is 10, your consolidation loan can, in most cases, taken out much longer. You can stretch to 15, 20 or even 30 years. You will earn more interest that way, but with a lower monthly payment, you will have more capital available with which to live your life. You have to decide if you are willing to pay more in interest to make your finances more manageable.

Think of it like this. Would you rather own a home and a new car while paying a little more interest, or if you do not pay their loans off in 10 years, but years pass, in a small apartment with a bad car and not rent available? Most prefer the former over the latter. Therefore, there is no shame in extending the loan if that is what we do.           

Warning For Those Using Predatory Payday Loan Lenders

Here is a story where predatory payday loan lenders tried to steal from a New York woman. It is always sad to hear about paying customers who fall prey to illegal practices. Luckily, this story ended on a good note, but it is a great story to retell to warn others about choosing to borrow from online direct loan lenders that do not follow state regulations.

A young substitute teacher went online to look for a payday loan lender to help her out with some bills during the summer months. Normally, this sounds like a perfect example of how payday loan lenders help people every day. Take out a small loan, get your bills paid on time and repay the loan with your next paycheck. It is a working scenario for people every day. This woman lives in New York and online short-term loans are illegal in that state. State regulations do not allow lending stores to set up shop. Unfortunately, you can't keep online web pages off the resident's computers, therefore online payday loan lenders can be found by anyone with access to the web. She was able to find an online lender willing to lend money to her, and this is where the problem begins.

Responsible lenders will not lend in the state of New York so in order for her to find an online payday loan lender willing to give her access to fast cash, she found one who was either not under state jurisdiction, a fraudulent company, or a predatory one that chose to break the New York state regulations.

One week after taking out her loan online, she got a phone call from someone claiming to be with the Attorney General's Office. This man claimed that he had three criminal actions against her and that if she didn't pay a certain amount the police would be going to her home to arrest her.

She called the police and worked with the authorities to try to get the thieves to meet her in person for additional money so they could arrest them. The thieves demanded almost $600 from her which was supposed to be wired.

The authorities were able to freeze the account, but were not able to identify the people behind the illegal doings. The young lady reached out to a state Senator for additional help. No one knows who the thieves were. The lending company could have had an unprotected website which would be inviting for any hacker. The company that made the short-term loan may not be the thieves, but they are definitely predatory lenders doing business with a woman from a state which does not allow payday loans of any kind.           

$20,000 Unsecured Loans With Bad Credit: Tips to Making It Happen

Traditional lenders are often reluctant to grant large loans to bad credit borrowers, but when a loan application is strong enough, it can be difficult for them to say no. Securing even large sums, like a $20,000 unsecured loan, with bad credit is made possible if more pressing factors are in good shape

It is a common misconception that credit scores are the key factor in the approval process, but the truth is aspects like rate of interest and the debt-to-income ratio have a far greater influence over the matter. With this in mind, securing loan approval is more straightforward for bad credit borrowers. All they need to do is ensure their income and debt level are strong.

Of course, putting together a strong application requires more than just having a good income. Keeping things real and taking an honest approach can make all the difference when seeking a large unsecured loan.

Factors That Need Consideration

An application is more than just a form filled out. It is the only real tool with which to convince a lender to grant a loan. So, it is essential when seeking a $20,000 unsecured loan with bad credit, that the application is as strong as it can be. Knowing that the key issues are really income, a healthy debt-to-income ratio, and (if possible) security is more important.

Having a sufficient and reliable income is vital when securing loan approval as it is the only way of repaying the loan. Self-employed applicants require something more than just a paycheck receipt, with copies of tax returns confirming annual earnings typically required.

Debt-to-income ratios are essential because they show whether the repayments are affordable in the first place. A large unsecured loan requires large monthly repayments, but since the ratio permits a maximum 40% of available income be used for repayments, it is important the monthly sum is kept low. Having high existing debts makes that impossible.

Offering Some Security

Sometimes income is just not enough to seal the deal, with lenders requiring something more to ease their concerns. In such cases, collateral normally works a treat, though this obviously changes the status of the loan. Applying for a $20,000 unsecured loan with bad credit, can sometimes need a little extra.

Collateral is hard to find for a loan of $20,000, but much more attainable is a cosigner. This kind of security is different, since a cosigner offers a guarantee that repayments will be made, but does nothing until the time comes. But securing loan approval is helped greatly when the risk of default is lowered.

And that is exactly what a guarantee does, with the result that the interest rate charged is lowered. With very large personal loans, this can translate to noticeable savings each year (if not each month), which explains why cosigners are so popular.

Consider the Lender Carefully

Another key factor to improving the chances of securing a $20,000 unsecured loan with bad credit is the particular lender. After all, it is their specific terms that ensure an affordable loan or one that is too expensive.

The Internet has ensured the task of finding the best possible lender, with the most affordable terms, is now much easier. Some interest rates are high (especially from subprime lenders), the lengthy term of the loan means that repayments are kept low, and the chances of securing loan approval are much greater.

Still, budgeting is extremely important when applying for large personal loans, so be sure to be accurate in that department. Then, the compromises will not hit the purse strings so hard.           

Break the Payday Loan Cycle By Lowering Monthly Bills

Many people know that payday loans are most frequently used to pay off monthly, recurrent debts, such as car payments and utilities. Less people know how to break the cycle of monthly payday loan usage. Because payday loans provide instant financial relief, many people repeatedly use these services to cover bills that arise in between paychecks. While using these services responsibly can help an individual out in a pinch, the repeated use of such services is very costly and may encourage a cycle of borrowing that is financially damaging.

Making ends meet can be hard when expenditures outweigh revenue. Though it may be difficult, in order to break the payday loan cycle it is necessary to figure what expenses can be reduced or cut. Often, one's monthly recurrent bills can be reduced to better fit one's income, while other, nonessential expenses can be cut altogether. Although monthly bills are generally the reason that one borrows a loan, many factors may influence why one doesn't have the money to cover the monthly bills. While the bill itself might be the motivation for borrowing a loan, pre-bill spending on nonessential items is often the reason that a loan is needed in the first place.

Rather than overspending early in the month only to be surprised by a nearly overdue monthly bill individuals need to plan ahead to break the payday loan cycle. This may mean that said individual will experience a few financially tight weeks during the transition period, but the aftermath of consistent financial independence should be worth the temporary sacrifices.

The first step to break the payday loan cycle is to comb over all recurrent monthly bills to determine their average payment amounts and their due dates. Gather copies of all your bill statements and record all due dates and approximate payment amounts in a ledger. This ledger can be a simple notebook or word document, but it should be used for the sole purpose of tracking financial transactions. Once you indicate all approximate amounts due and the due dates, you can create a check list on the side to keep track of outgoing income. This will keep you from encountering any surprise bills; by and large, most bills can be anticipated and tracked by using this method. After you determine when and how much must be paid, you can correspond your paycheck dates and amounts.

For most people, paychecks are relatively stable, with a similar amount being paid on a predetermined schedule. Thus, if you know you get paid biweekly, you can be sure to cover expenses for the first half of the month with the first check and the second half with the second check. If your bills aren't so evenly distributed, you must save the required amount from the check that covers less in anticipation of upcoming bills.

Only after all the essential monthly bills are paid, should money be allotted to other typical but unnecessary expenses, such as the amount spent per month on entertainment and shopping. In order to break the cycle of using payday loans to cover recurrent monthly bills, individuals must check their extracurricular spending. While the initial transition phase may be fiscally tight, and the individual might have to reign in bad spending practices, in the long run the amount that the individual saves will allow for a more financially liberated life. An individual will start to have extra spending money, instead of paying interest on a loan month after month.           

Qualifying For a Home Equity Loan

Owning a house does not imply that it is just a place where you stay in and relax. Most homes nowadays have an entirely different purpose depending on every home owner's needs. Residential real estate can now provide assistance to owners who wish to borrow money in order to fund for their other personal needs. Do you know that a home equity loan can help you with your financesall Qualifying for one is not as complicated as it seems as long as you follow the steps required.

A home equity loan is a loan that directs to a home owner's financial issues. It is a type of loan wherein the equity of the house is made as collateral to support the borrowed money. Lenders or mortgage companies supply this kind of help in order to assist individuals with their major fiscal expenses. These loans may serve helpful for cases like - payment of medical bills, university education, home advancements and repairs, fund payments for expensive items purchased or even for consolidating debts. To qualify for such loan means that you put your house at stake in order to ensure the lender that you will pay under the agreed time, otherwise, failure to pay will automatically eject you the rights as a home owner.

What are the prerequisites for obtaining a home equity loan?

Just like any other business, a home equity loan needs back-up just in case borrowers fail to pay on time or are no longer interested in paying back the mortgage they made. Lenders want a secure transaction. That is why, getting a home equity loan is a step by step process to which every home owner must meet its given standards and rules.

To qualify for a home equity loan, you must:

A Stable Income

·Lenders always want to see to it that home owners are capable of repaying them even if they already have a home equity. Borrowers can personally do a debt to income ratio assessment to determine first hand whether they can qualify for a home loan. Calculate how much percentage of your salary goes to payments of your debts (utility bills, credit card debts, mortgages, etc.). Individuals must only have 20-30% of total debts.

Have a Secure Credit Score

·Most home equity loans need home owners to have at least an average credit score; having an excellent rating is also more advisable since it speeds up the acceptance of your application.

·To compare, an owner that has a good credit rating will likely get approved easily as well as have more possibilities of obtaining the best home equity loan available with a fixed to moderate interest rate as opposed to a borrower with a poor credit status since application may or may not be approved. If accepted, the borrower has bigger chances of availing an equity loan that has very high interest rates.

·Before you submit an application for such loan, take time to evaluate your credit report. If you find out that you have a low rating then restore your credit score to its previous state or even increase it to a much higher standing. Normally, you can do this by taking on small credits since this will remove the glitches. It only takes about 6 months to improve your score if you are persistent.

Loan to Value Ratio

·Loan to value is known by calculating the market value of your residence to the total amount of existing credit you are still in debt of. Your home's value is gauged once again when applying for an equity loan. If your residence's home value is $100,000 and your credit is $20,000, the loan to value ratio is 20%.

Period of Approval

When applying for a home equity loan, you need not pay a single cent since this type of housing assistance is free of charge. The period of your loan to be approved depends from one home owner to the other. Submitting online is the fastest way to get accepted as long as you submit all correct and required details since the evaluation and checking process takes less time once all the information's given are precise.

Qualifying for a home equity loan is possible whether a home owner has a good or bad credit rating given that some variations apply. These mortgages are truly essential during times of crisis. You get a helping hand and a chance to make your finances better.           

Car Loans - How to Get a Loan for Your First Car

Buying your first car is an exciting experience for anyone. Dreams of independence and freedom consumes the mind of many first time buyers but when they finally come to putting down the payment, a non-existent credit history can shatter all those sweet dreams. So the question is, "How do I buy a car with no credit historyall"

Well there are many ways you can do this.

Firstly you could try borrowing money direct from the bank. If the bank is already familiar with you then they are more likely to take a risk with you. The only downside to it is that they may put tight conditions and a cap on the amount lent.

Another way you could do it is to find a guarantor or co-signer. This person is responsible for the payments if you fail to make them, so close family and friends who trust you are the most likely people to help you out using this method.

If these first two are simply not an option, you might want to try saving for a larger down-payment. Although this can be difficult as you should aim to pay for half the car, a bank is also more willing to lend you the amount needed as it can be loaned against your car. If you fail to make payments, they simply repossess your car to complete your outstanding balance.

Finally if all else fails, you should try to take the long yet sensible route of actually building up your credit rating. Use a couple of credit cards for an extended period of time, making sure that you pay everything on time. This may take a while but you will build up people's confidence in you as a responsible borrower and consequently be handed the keys to your brand new vehicle. Good luck with your first purchase!           

How a Student Loan Consolidation Program Can Solve Financial Woes

Students and graduates face more than just exams and the pressure to maintain high grades. They also have to tackle the college debt that can amass over their college careers. Whether in college or after graduating from it, the pressure to repay debts of as much as $50,000, is extremely high. Thankfully, student loan consolidation programs can make the task much easier.

With limited income, students can find it very difficult to repay the numerous loans they have taken out - often 4 or more. And because each loan has its own interest rate and repayment schedule, the monthly costs can be very steep. The skills of managing college debts come down to clearing them in a way that is affordable.

And this is where consolidation works so well. While student loans can weigh down on students and graduates alike, the right consolidation program can see the debts cleared once and for all.

The Benefits of Consolidation

Choosing the right student loan consolidation program is important to get the very best out of the scheme. Otherwise it will see a large debt replaced by just another large debt, leaving the borrower in the same difficult financial position they were in in the first place.

Multiple loans create a complicated debt system, with each debt having its own terms. For example, 4 loans mean 4 different interest rates and 4 different repayment terms. It makes managing college debt very difficult, with 4 chances of missing a repayment.

But by replacing these debts with one single loan, with one interest rate and one repayment term, the costs plummet. Interest payments fall, and the longer term of the consolidation loan means lower monthly repayments are needed. So, a far more affordable debt replaces the numerous student loans.

Federal Student Loan Debt

It is worth noting that there is a difference between private and federal loans. When federal loans have mounted up, then a federal student loan consolidation program is needed. Private consolidation programs are open to anyone who wants to restructure their debt, but federal programs are more exclusive.

There are some very sound reasons for this. For a start, federal loans already provide considerable benefits to the borrower, with low interest rates and flexible repayment schedules. Federal consolidation programs include Direct Loans and FFEL Loans. The core difference between the two is that the US Department of Education issues Direct Loans to applicants. FFEL Loans are issued by private (commercial) lenders but are subsidized by federal government.

Given the options, the most expedient method of managing college debts is provided by Direct Loans. However, in order to secure an FFEL Loan, a deal has to be made with the commercial lending firm to buy out the existing student loans, with government subsidization keeping interest rates low.

Finding the Right Consolidation Program

Federal student loan consolidation programs are exclusive to students who are in need of assistance. They are designed to keep students from beginning their working lives with a bankruptcy ruling on their record, while ensuring lenders get their money back. So, only students in genuine need can qualify for them.

An FFEL loan can be applied for on two possible occasions: either immediately after graduation, or when the emergency deferment introduced has finally been granted. In both cases, proof of financial difficulties is required. A common feature of a consolidation program is to extend the term of the loan, to lower the monthly repayments further.

This is a highly effective way of managing college debt but bear in mind that the debt can be extended to 30 years, meaning the student loans take a lot longer to clear. But the debt is paid and financial woes are alleviated.           

Loan Calculator

When a person takes a loan there  are times when he tends to forget about the average percentage rate or any  other trivial matter. This is where the loan calculators come into place. The  loan calculators help estimate your monthly loan payment. It can help you  determine the monthly income needed to repay a loan. Loan calculators can  simplify the different calculations that need to be performed either while  taking a loan or repaying it. Loan calculation is not an easy task. An ordinary  person with no experience in calculating interest rates will find it extremely  difficult to determine the financial impact and liabilities after taking a  loan. This is where loan calculator can be really helpful.

The loan calculator will help you  calculate the monthly installments that you would have to pay during the loan  tenure. Another feature of these loan calculators is that they can determine  how much you will be paying monthly and what happens if you pay extra money. With  the help of a loan calculator, you can find out the total interest that you  would have to pay over the years. They are a really handy tool for the  financial planners and advisors. By using these loan calculators, they can show  you the impact a loan would have on your finances. This will help you plan and  manage your loans more effectively.

You can even compare the loan  offers from different lenders using the loan calculators. If you already have a  mortgage loan or if you are looking for one, you can make good use of a loan  calculator. Loan calculators can also help you compute the tax benefits that  you can derive when you take a home or student loan. There are different loan  calculators available for different types of loans like student loans, home  loans, mortgage loans, personal etc. Almost all the loan providers have their  own loan calculators to help their customers decide better.           

How Getting Personal Loans With Bad Credit Can Begin Financial Recovery

Securing funding is not easy when applying for personal loans with bad credit. Most lenders are hesitant when it comes to considering applications from bad credit borrowers, especially when the loan sum is large. But convincing them that repayments will be made on time is certainly not out of the question.

There are issues that need to be dealt with first, of course, which will strengthen the application and make it difficult for lenders to say no. Then getting loan approval is more likely, and the route to financial recovery can be cleared.

But what are the main considerations when compiling an application that is strong enough to ease lender worriesall These are quite simple, from choosing between a secured or unsecured loan to detailing the purpose of the loan funds. Then the personal loan, whether large or small, is closer to being attained.

Secured Or Unsecured Loans?

The first choice people face when seeking a personal loan with bad credit is whether to apply for a secured loan or an unsecured loan. There are significant differences between the two, not just in the chances of getting approved but in the affordability and loan size.

Secured loans are issued with some form of collateral promised in compensation to the lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan. The addition of collateral means that the interest rate charged is lower, but getting loan approval is dependent on the value of the collateral at hand. A $20,000 loan will not be given with collateral worth $10,000.

Unsecured personal loans have no collateral involved and so come at higher interest rates and usually more limited loan sizes. A variety of types offer differing approval chances, but they can range from $100 to $25,000, with repayment terms from 14 days (payday loans) to 10 years. The longer the term the more affordable the larger loan sizes are, but also the better the chance of approval.

Key Factors to Approval

So, how can someone seeking a personal loan with bad credit hope to get approval? Well, the chances are greatly enhanced with collateral, but whether security is provided or not, the key factors considered are income and the debt-to-income ratio. Without these in order, affordability is in question.

Income is obviously important, with a proven reliable source of income essential if a lender is to feel confident repayments will be made. Usually, getting loan approval is only possible when a full-time job has been held for at least 6 months.

The debt-to-income ratio is probably more important. The ratio is calculated by combining all of the existing outgoings (loans and general monthly expenses), and comparing them to the total monthly income. A 40:60 ratio is set, meaning only 40% of the excess income can be used to repay any new personal loan. Failure to stay within the 40% mark guarantees rejection.

The Value of Purpose

With the chief approval aspects being income and the debt-to-income ratio, bad credit clearly has little to do with the process, which is good news when applying for a personal loan with bad credit. However, there is more to it than that also.

Purpose plays a very big part in getting loan approval, with lenders wanting to know that the funds will not be wasted. While technically funds from a personal loan can be used for anything, frivolous purposes are unlikely to convince lenders to approve the loan. However, something like clearing existing debts is impressive.

And the benefits of having such a responsible purpose mean the terms of any future loans are much better, with lower interest rates and a greater likelihood of any application being given the green light.           

Online Personal Loans With Bad Credit: 3 Online Loan Risks Worth Taking

Low credit scores can play havoc with loan applications, but there is no reason to believe it impossible to secure a personal loan with bad credit. In fact, there are plenty of options available to bad credit borrowers. The only question is which of them is the best option given their specific financial situation.

It is always preferable to get a loan with a low monthly repayment, but approval usually means accepting compromises and loan terms that are less than ideal. In many cases, they are high-risk online loans, where the pressure to meet repayments is high, while for lenders, the chances of getting their money back is low.

The latter usually means higher interest rates are charged, making the personal loan less affordable. However, it is important to weigh up the pros and cons involved first. Here are just 3 of the most common options available.

1. Fast Access Payday Loans

A high-risk loan, this option nonetheless provides a high degree of approval certainty. In fact, it is rare to be so confident of getting a personal loan with bad credit without any collateral provided. However, there are compromises to accept.

First of all, the loan limit is quite low with most lenders offering a maximum $1,500. Given that approval can be is granted within minutes, and deposited into the account of the borrower within a few hours, it is ideal in dealing with financial emergencies. But it is the terms of repayment that make them high-risk online loans.

Granted against an upcoming paycheck, interest rates are still extremely high (up to 30%) and the repayment term is extremely short (14-30 days). This personal loan is repaid in full directly from the paycheck, leaving little over to meet normal monthly expenses with - a $1,500 loan could require a single repayment of $1,950, for example.

2. Person 2 Person (P2P) Loans

This is one of the most progressive loan options available online, and one that has its positives and negatives. When seeking a personal loan with bad credit, it offers affordable access to required funds without having to worry about the influence of bad credit scores over the interest rate and terms.

These online sites connect individuals rather than applicants with lending institutions. The required sum and repayment limit are advertised by the borrower, and those individuals who are willing to invest in the loan can do so. Considered high-risk online loans for lenders, it is little more than a leap of faith with no recourse should the borrower default.

For example, if $4,000 is needed but your monthly repayments budget is $150, then four individuals may invest $1,000 each. When the loan is repaid after 3 years, they will each have earned back $1,350 - that is $1,400 over the borrowed sum, much more than a personal loan from a traditional lender.

3. Cosigner Loans

A third option is a cosigner loan, which is arguably the most affordable option when seeking a personal loan with bad credit. The interest rate is kept low by a cosigner, who guarantees the monthly repayments will be made without fail. This means the degree of risk a lender faces is effectively removed, and because of this a low interest rate is charged.

However, this option can be considered a high-risk online loan by the cosigner since they have promised to take full responsibility should the borrower be unable to make the payments.

They must be subjected to a credit check, with lenders needing to know if they have a good credit history and ample income. If they pass scrutiny, approval of the personal loan is practically guaranteed.           

How Getting Personal Loans With Bad Credit Can Begin Financial Recovery

Securing funding is not easy when applying for personal loans with bad credit. Most lenders are hesitant when it comes to considering applications from bad credit borrowers, especially when the loan sum is large. But convincing them that repayments will be made on time is certainly not out of the question.

There are issues that need to be dealt with first, of course, which will strengthen the application and make it difficult for lenders to say no. Then getting loan approval is more likely, and the route to financial recovery can be cleared.

But what are the main considerations when compiling an application that is strong enough to ease lender worriesall These are quite simple, from choosing between a secured or unsecured loan to detailing the purpose of the loan funds. Then the personal loan, whether large or small, is closer to being attained.

Secured Or Unsecured Loans?

The first choice people face when seeking a personal loan with bad credit is whether to apply for a secured loan or an unsecured loan. There are significant differences between the two, not just in the chances of getting approved but in the affordability and loan size.

Secured loans are issued with some form of collateral promised in compensation to the lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan. The addition of collateral means that the interest rate charged is lower, but getting loan approval is dependent on the value of the collateral at hand. A $20,000 loan will not be given with collateral worth $10,000.

Unsecured personal loans have no collateral involved and so come at higher interest rates and usually more limited loan sizes. A variety of types offer differing approval chances, but they can range from $100 to $25,000, with repayment terms from 14 days (payday loans) to 10 years. The longer the term the more affordable the larger loan sizes are, but also the better the chance of approval.

Key Factors to Approval

So, how can someone seeking a personal loan with bad credit hope to get approval? Well, the chances are greatly enhanced with collateral, but whether security is provided or not, the key factors considered are income and the debt-to-income ratio. Without these in order, affordability is in question.

Income is obviously important, with a proven reliable source of income essential if a lender is to feel confident repayments will be made. Usually, getting loan approval is only possible when a full-time job has been held for at least 6 months.

The debt-to-income ratio is probably more important. The ratio is calculated by combining all of the existing outgoings (loans and general monthly expenses), and comparing them to the total monthly income. A 40:60 ratio is set, meaning only 40% of the excess income can be used to repay any new personal loan. Failure to stay within the 40% mark guarantees rejection.

The Value of Purpose

With the chief approval aspects being income and the debt-to-income ratio, bad credit clearly has little to do with the process, which is good news when applying for a personal loan with bad credit. However, there is more to it than that also.

Purpose plays a very big part in getting loan approval, with lenders wanting to know that the funds will not be wasted. While technically funds from a personal loan can be used for anything, frivolous purposes are unlikely to convince lenders to approve the loan. However, something like clearing existing debts is impressive.

And the benefits of having such a responsible purpose mean the terms of any future loans are much better, with lower interest rates and a greater likelihood of any application being given the green light.           

Bad Credit Loans: Should You Choose a Home Loan or a Personal Loan?

When you are in the market for a loan, but have bad credit, there is a lot of information to sift through in order to find the right package to fit your needs. In general though there are two major types of loans that borrowers with bad credit should consider: bad credit home loans and bad credit personal loans. Each is slightly different in its qualifications and ultimate terms. Which loan you ultimately take will therefore depend on a number of different circumstances.

Home Loans with Bad Credit

A home loan can take many shapes. You can acquire a home loan for the purchase of a new property. You can also take an additional home loan out on your existing home. These are more commonly referred to as home equity loans and there are several issues you will need to consider before deciding to take one.

First, home equity loans generally require you to have paid off at least 25% of your original mortgage. That is, you need to have a minimum of 25% equity from which to draw money. You then will take a home equity loan out using that equity as collateral. The less money you have to repay on your existing mortgage, the more money you will be able to take out in a home equity loan.

These loans are far easier to acquire if you have poor credit, because the value of your home will give the lender a sense of security. If for some reason you are unable to repay the value of your home equity loan, the lender can repossess your home as a guarantee against the money you owe him. This is why home equity loans are called secured loans.

Personal Loans with Bad Credit

Personal loans operate a bit differently than home equity loans. Those people with poor credit who do not own a home or land to put up as collateral will need to choose a personal loan, which is also called an unsecured loan. This type of loan only asks for your signature as a guarantee of repayment. Therefore, they are a much bigger risk for lenders and harder to get than home equity loans.

Some people do not have a home. If this is the case then you will need to look for an unsecured personal loan of this sort. However, your credit will be a much bigger issue in your acquisition of a personal loan, since it will cause the lender to raise interest rates due to the amount of risk you present. It is also likely that the lender will only offer you a small sum of money to start. Though personal loans can be given up to $50K, most lenders will only offer you up to $5K to start if you have bad credit.

Obviously, the better your credit, the more likely you are to find a personal loan at a reasonable rate. Borrowers with bad credit can still get these loans, however, from private lenders.

Choosing the Right Path

Trying to decide on the right bad credit loan is tough. There are certainly a number of issues that you need to consider. How bad is your creditall Do you own a home? How much equity do you have in that home? What are you willing to risk? How much can you afford to pay each month?

Before you go shopping for any bad credit loan, take some time to answer those questions honestly. Also, consider the differences that I outline above. There are ways to get a loan if you have bad credit.           

How Federal Student Loan Consolidation Programs Make Debt Clearing Easier

Loan consolidation is widely recognized as an affordable and effective way of alleviating the financial pressures students find themselves in. Not everyone expects students who have had their college careers financed by federal loans to be in such dire straits. But for those students, there are federal student loan consolidation programs available.

Only those who have taken out federal loans can qualify for these programs. If they have also taken out private loans, these loans are rarely covered jointly by the same consolidation program and require a private consolidation loan. Regardless, clearing college debt is definitely made more affordable.

It would be unwise to dismiss the extent to which student loans can place a student in debt. Over the three or four years that a student is at college, the accumulated figure can be as large as $50,000. So, finding an effective strategy to clear them is a key move.

Difference Between Federal and Private Loans

So, why are these loans considered so differentall Why can a federal student loan consolidation program not include personal loans too? The reason is the terms of these loans are very different - not least the fact that federal loans already come at more affordable terms.

Since the federal government either issues or subsidizes these loans, the risk is much lower. Therefore, interest rates can be much lower than those charged by private lenders. Different states may offer slightly different terms, depending on a range of factors. Normally, the clearing college debts start on graduation day.

Privately funded student loans are provided by banks and commercial lenders, and come at higher interest rates. Often, they too offer a period of grace until after graduation, but the accumulation of interest over that period means high repayment sums are necessary once it comes to an end.

Consolidation Programs Do Not Mix

The specific difference between private and federal loans means the benefits provided by a consolidation program can greatly vary too. But crucially, because federal terms are already designed to save money, including them in a private program is not likely to result in any great advantage. A federal student loan consolidation program is needed to accomplish that.

At best, a private loan may be altered to match the terms of the federal loan, so a federal loan is not improved. However, clearing college debts through a federal program means the repayments can be lowered sufficiently to make a difference, and ease the financial pressure the student is under.

A good example is the ability to delay repayments on a student loan until after graduation, but without an accumulation of interest. So, the slate is clean until graduation. A private lender, on the other hand, may charge $20 per month in interest for 5 years, meaning $1,200 in interest is due when graduation arrives.

Typical Federal Consolidation Terms

How can a federal student loan consolidation program work so well? It has everything to do with the terms that are offered. Often, it is a private lender specializing in federal loans to students that finances the consolidation loan, but with federal subsidization the interest rate falls dramatically.

Basically, the original federal loans are bought out, with the new loan coming at a much longer terms to ensure the repayment sum is as low as it can possibly be. The maximum period is 30 years, and a fixed interest rate means clearing college debts can fit perfectly into a tight budget.

This structure means that major savings are made each month, with payment of $300 falling to perhaps $175. However, over the loan term the amount of interest paid is much more. The key difference is that student loans are paid off, and consolidation repayments are always affordable.           

Private Student Loan Consolidation: Slashing Repayments For An Easier Life

Like all loans, college loans taken out to fund education and living expenses, have to be repaid sometime. There is little chance of any student or graduate escaping that responsibility. As soon as the period of grace ends (usually on graduation day) that reality comes to bear. Thankfully, a private student loan consolidation program can make life a lot easier.

There is no doubt that the weight of debt can be quite heavy for students, with research showing that college graduates enter the jobs market with debts of $30,000 on average. This means that properly managing college debt is an essential part of the early part of working life.

This is where a consolidation program can be of great benefit, clearing the outstanding balances on student loans and replacing them with one, more affordable debt. However, there are some issues that need to be considered before choosing the program most suitable.

Consolidation Explained

Typically, students take out at least 5 loans while in college, often to cover living expenses as well as pay their tuition fees. But none of them are cleared before taking out another, creating a complicated web of loans, repayments and interest rates. A private student loan consolidation program simplifies matters.

All of the debts are grouped together and cleared with a single loan. And because it is a single loan, a single interest rate is applied. This invariably means the overall cost of the best is lowered. And because the loan term is lengthened to as much as 25 years, the monthly repayments are kept low.

So, managing college debt in this way ensures it is fully repaid and replaced with a more affordable debt that places less pressure on the shoulders of the graduate. But there are conditions to consider when clearing student loans.

Conditions to Consider

First and foremost is the type of loans taken out when in college. The two types are private and federal loans, but these do not mix well in one consolidation program. This is why there are private student loan consolidation programs and federal consolidation programs, and the terms of each are very different.

Federal loans are typically better in their terms than private loans because the support of federal government removes risk and lowers the interest rate charged. A private loan typically charges higher interest so is more expensive. And because of the greater expense, managing college debt from private loans is usually a priority.

Also, private consolidation programs accommodate a wider range of loans, while approval is open to practically anyone who wants to make repaying their student loans more affordable. Federal programs are exclusive to students in dire financial situations who need assistance.

Other Factors To Consider

A private student loan consolidation program offers plenty of benefits to students and graduates looking to clear their debts. Most are already mentioned, but others include the long-term benefit of improving the credit rating. This is due to the clearance of the individual loans, which are marked down in the credit record as fully repaid, but it is important to maintain repayment of the consolidation loan too.

These programs are available to students still in college as well as graduates. And the fact they can be granted 25-year terms means managing college debt becomes very affordable. Graduates, meanwhile, can get terms of up to 30 years.

However, keep in mind that it takes time for the application to be processed, with many lenders taking about 6 weeks to confirm approval or not. And, while awaiting approval, it is essential that the usual monthly repayments on the student loans are made.           

Entertaining a VA Offer

One of the most popular benefits afforded our veterans and qualifying service members is the VA home loan. Established in 1944 as part of the original GI Bill, this special loan program allows for buyers to obtain financing with no money down and reduced closing costs.

The VA home loan program limits the type of closing costs that a veteran can pay. For example, someone with a conventional mortgage might pay an attorney fee of $500 yet VA loan programs prohibit the veteran from paying an attorney fee at the closing table. An FHA borrower can expect to pay a lender charge for underwriting and processing an FHA loan of upwards to $800 or more. Yet the VA will not allow the veteran to pay underwriting or processing charges. That's a great deal, rightall

That depends upon your perspective. If you're the seller, it might mean less money for you when the deal closes.

Just because the VA prohibits certain fees the veteran may pay that doesn't mean those fees disappear. Far from it. It simply means somebody has to pay them and there are only three parties from the VA lender's perspective: the buyer, the seller and the lender.

In the past, when a seller discovered the buyer was using a VA home loan to buy their property the seller might turn down the offer or increase the sales price. Why? The seller didn't want to pay the additional closing costs associated with a VA home loan. However today, there is simply more flexibility.

As a seller who receives a VA loan offer, treat it like any other without regards to who pays for certain closing costs or adjusting the sales price. Instead, let the closing costs be something the lender and the borrower work out on their own; you're not a part of the transaction. If a sales contract does ask that the seller pay for certain closing costs, treat the offer as you would any other... either accept the contract or don't.

Recent changes in VA guidelines allow for more flexibility for lenders to pay for closing costs on behalf of the borrower. There are avenues to have certain prohibited charges paid for that do not require any participation from the seller.           

1 Hour Payday Loans: 6 Common Questions

Are you experiencing financial difficulty and lack the funds you need to take care of an unexpected expenseall Is your next payday also far enough away that what little funds you have will just not be enough? If so, then you may be able to benefit from 1 hour payday loans. However, you first need to become familiar with 6 common questions that many people have:

1. What are 1 hour payday loans?

1 hour payday loans are short-term loans that can help cover expenses between paydays. In many cases, 1 hour payday loans advertise that the funds will be released in less than an hour, although this is not always true. For instance, you may not receive the funds as quickly if you:

• Fail to completely and honestly fill out your application
• Fail to send in your application during regular business hours
• Are not available when the lender attempts to make contact

2. How much money can you receive?

The loan amount that you receive depends on state legislations and your own personal factors, but is typically between $100 to $1,500. For most first-time borrowers, the loan amount offered is minimal. However, if you have a good standing with a lender, the next loan you apply for may have higher amounts available.

3. How do you receive loans?

Many online lenders offering 1 hour payday loans require you to have an active checking account to wire the money into. Once your application has been approved and the loan agreement has been signed, then the lender will deposit the total loan amount into the approved checking account. For repayment, the lender will withdraw the loan amount and its accumulated fees on the date outlined in the agreement.

4. How long do you have to repay a loan?

For many borrowers, loans are expected to be repaid within 14 to 21 days, although longer terms are available. In some cases, longer terms may be needed if a borrower only receives payment once a month from an employer, Social Security, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both short-term and long-term loans have their advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to weigh them carefully to choose what is best for your needs.

5. What are the interest rates?

The annual percentage rate (APR) attached to payday loans are high when compared to other types of loans, such as credit card loans or bank loans. In fact, according to the Consumer Federation of America, the average APR attached to payday loans is 400%, although it can also be as high as 780%. However, since the exact APR varies between lenders and state legislations, it is beneficial to shop around.

6. What do you need to be eligible?

The exact eligibility requirements vary between lenders and state legislations. However, many lenders require you to:

• Be of legal age to sign a loan agreement
• Have steady employment
• Have a checking account
• Be a US citizen

Getting 1 hour payday loans is a decision to be taken very seriously on multiple levels. By knowing what the most common questions and answers regarding borrowing are, you can do what is best for your needs           

No Credit Check Leads Many to Use Payday Loan Lenders For Fast Cash

Why is it that your credit score does not matter to payday loan lenders online or at a storefront locationall It is well known that these low cost payday loans provided are not approved based on your credit history, but many do not understand why this is so. To help understand this, you need to understand what your credit history shows and why.

Your credit score is a number, based on individual reporting agency algorithms. The numbers fit into set creditor ranges to rank a person in the financial world.

According to FICO:

*Excellent credit range is 720-850

*Very good range is 700-719

*Average credit is 675-699

*Sub-prime credit 620 -674

*Risky range is 560-619

*Very Risky credit is 500-559

Where do you fit? Most often, if you can keep your credit score about 660 you will be considered for most credit options. The interest rates attached to any credit will be determined by where in that bracket you fit. Obviously, the higher the credit score, the lower your interest will be. If your score falls between 620 and 659, you will find some creditors who will be willing to help out, but you will probably be asked to provide collateral or a co-signer. When your credit is below 620, finding someone to give you credit becomes even more difficult.

There are three major credit reporting agencies and they each have their own algorithms for figuring the scores. Creditors will usually request information from one of the agencies. If that score is one of the lower ones, you could possibly be denied funding or given a much higher interest rate.

Payday lenders do not use your past history to loan money. Why? This information rates your management of long-term funding. Since this low cost payday loan is expected to be paid off in just a few short weeks, your long-term money management is not relevant. The term of the loan is so short that it never gets reported as debt. A credit score has no relevance to payday loan lenders. The only time your credit will see negativity is if you default on your loan, refuse to work with the lender and the debt gets sold to a collections agency. The collectors will report the defaulted debt and your score will be negatively affected.

You will want to have good money management skills with your bank accounts. This is the area that online payday lenders will search for approval status. How do you manage your income direct deposits? Are payments made without NSF fees attached? How many other payday loans do you have out and when are they due? Payday loan lenders will look at your finances in the here and now. A typical loan term lasts two weeks, so your past history does not apply. A responsible payday loan lender accepts that good people go through bad money times and everyone needs options to improve their situation.           

Is Cable TV Worth A Monthly Trip To The Payday Loan Lender?

Monthly bills can be a source of financial stress for many people. In fact, up to 69% of payday loans are used for these purposes. Unfortunately, many times people feel as if there is nothing that can be done to lower or eliminate these payments. Gas, electricity, water, etc. are necessities in these modern times, and are required in order to perform the basic functions of life, including cooking, cleaning, and even staying secure. Because of this, many people continue to feel compelled to make a monthly visit to their local payday loan lender to cover utility costs.

One bill that can be reduced, although often not considered, is the cable bill. Cable is a luxury, not a necessity. In our day and age, this fact tends to be overlooked. We see advertisements for television shows everywhere, every household has at least one, and there are many who get their information exclusively from this source. However, despite its overwhelming presence in our society, we can do away with or greatly reduce the cable bill and still lead a good life.

America has undoubtedly become a culture centered on the television set. With the average American watching between 28 and 34 hours of television a week (that is between 16% and 20% of the total amount of hours in a week!), cable has become the primary source of entertainment in this country. This has led to the idea that it is the only source of entertainment available. This is not true. There are many alternatives to watching television that can not only improve your physical and mental health, but also help you to get out of the monthly payday loan cycle.

One alternative to remaining parked in front of the boob tube is to do a little reading. With many series and movies now based on books, you can get the heads up on critically acclaimed shows while saving money and increasing your brain power. True Blood, The Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire, Sherlock - these are some of the many programs that are based on and adapted from books. This list does not include the countless movies that likewise have a literary base.

A simple visit to your local library can have you not only caught up, but far ahead on the top programs today. By reading these works rather than watching them, you can allow your imagination to create their worlds as you see them, rather than being forced to watch someone else's vision instead.

Another great alternative to watching television is to play outside. A basketball, soccer ball, etc. will cost you significantly less than one month's cable bill, and can be used repeatedly for several months or more. Picking up an outdoor hobby can not only provide unlimited amounts of entertainment, it can also shed those pounds which were gained from a sedentary lifestyle that so many Americans have fallen victim to.

By rediscovering the great outdoors, you can not only save a trip to the payday loan office, but a trip to the doctor's office as well. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and our inactive lifestyle is only making things worse. The best way to prevent heart disease is a healthy dose of exercise. So why not kill two birds with one stone - cut your reliance on  payday loans  and your cholesterol by taking advantage of outdoor recreation.